Patricia Kinser, a Certified Prenatal Yoga Instructor, comes with a wealth of experience and a passion for women’s health. She is a Registered Nurse and an OB/GYN Nurse Practitioner. Having additional training as a doula, she enjoys providing support to pregnant women and their families. She loves teaching Prenatal Yoga classes and Mom & Baby Yoga classes in the Richmond area.
Email Patricia: prenatalyogarichmond@yahoo.com
Her educational background includes a Bachelor's Degree in Biology from Haverford College, PA; a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing from MCV/VCU, Richmond, VA; and a Master's Degree in Nursing from MCV/VCU, Richmond, VA. In addition to teaching Prenatal Yoga, she works as a licensed Women's Health Nurse Practitioner at a local women's health clinic and an Instructor of Nursing at a local school of nursing. |
Last modified by Patricia, 06/18/2008. |